Tandem Skydive for ACLT
Seckou and his daughter Bintou, who was diagnosed with Leukemia as a child, will be doing a Tandem Skydive at 10,000 feet this August to raise awareness and funds to support the African Caribbean Leukemia Trust charity.ACLT’s work relies on public donations to meet general costs and most importantly to fund patient appeals, changing attitudes by utilising social and media campaigns, awareness events, donor registration drives and assisting patients and families through diagnosis, subsequent treatments and heartbreakingly when patients and families are informed that nothing further can be done, end of life stage.
Every new person joining the stem cell donor register gives hope because they may be the match that saves someone’s life.
ACLT has registered over 100,000 people of all ethnicities on to the UK stem cell registers and saved 100+ lives. Thousands of new blood and organ donors have also been registered; saving many more lives.
Watch Bintou’s interview with singer Sabrina Washington HERE.