About these resources
Use these resources to explore ideas of home and homeland through: Music, Place, Poetry and Story.
Please download and read the introductory information before starting. It includes a full list of contents.
Within each theme there are session plans and downloadable resources, including photos, worksheets and videos. Each session plan can be used on its own, pick and choose the ones most relevant to you.
Click on the themes to view the resources.
You will need to access the album Homeland (Chapter 1) and tracks from the album African Rhapsodies and 22 Strings to use some of the sessions. These can be streamed from your favourite streaming platforms or can be purchased in our shop.

Activities to inspire creativity and discussion about home and homeland. Learners of all ages will be able to learn about the griot tradition as well as listen, sing along, improvise and perform songs inspired by Seckou’s music. Research ideas for older learners are included.

Where is home for Seckou? How do his ideas of home compare to yours? These activities use
maps, photos and videos to explore Senegal, our planet earth and migration.

Use the poetry on the Homeland album - Reflections and Deportation Blues - to inspire your own poems on the themes of movement, migration and home.

How do griots convey stories? These activities use photographs and the story of the Standing Stick, to inspire learners to become storytellers.
Credits: Resources written by Jackie Zammit
Design: Rob Bowden, Lifeworlds Learning
Interviews video editing: Ibi Keita
Thanks to Germa Adan, Rob Bowden, Rosie Wilson, Meg Tucker, Tom Colvin and Bintou Keita for feedback, advice and support
Photos: Most images throughout the resource taken by Taylor Kitoko. Some included with permission from Future Talent. Additional images from team members and others sourced through Creative Commons. Please contact us if we have inadvertently failed to credit an image correctly.